At the point when your LIC (Life Insurance Corporation of India) strategy develops, it implies the arrangement has arrived at the finish of its term, and now is the ideal time to guarantee the development benefits. This is the very thing that you really want to do:

Contact Your LIC Specialist/Consultant: On the off chance that you have a LIC specialist or consultant, reach out to them. They can direct you through the interaction and help you with the fundamental desk work.

Finish Up the Development Guarantee Structure: You should finish up a development guarantee structure. This structure is normally given by the LIC office or can be downloaded from the LIC site. Make a point to precisely fill in every one of the expected subtleties.

Assemble Required Records: Alongside the filled case structure, you'll have to present a few records, for example, the first strategy report, evidence of personality (identification, Aadhar card, Container card, and so on.), verification of home (service charges, Aadhar card, and so on.), furthermore, a dropped check. The specific records required can fluctuate, so it's ideal to check with your LIC specialist or the LIC office.

Present the Records: Present every one of the vital reports to the closest LIC branch office. Try to keep duplicates of the relative multitude of reports you submit for your records.

Sit tight for Handling: Whenever you've presented every one of the expected archives, the LIC office will deal with your development guarantee. This interaction can require half a month to a couple of months, contingent upon the intricacy of the strategy and the responsibility of the LIC office.

Get Development Sum: When your case is handled and endorsed, you will get the development sum either through a check or straightforwardly credited to your financial balance, contingent upon the installment choice you have picked.

Reinvest or Pull out: In the event that your strategy incorporates choices for getting the development sum, for example, taking a singular amount or putting resources into an annuity, you should illuminate LIC about your decision before the development date.

It's vital to begin this cycle a long time before the development date of your strategy to guarantee a smooth and opportune payout. On the off chance that you feel somewhat doubtful or questions, go ahead and LIC or your LIC specialist for explanation.

[Note ; This is isn't lic website. This is only shear things]

Here is youtube video in Hindi language