LIC Jeevan Bharati-I (Plan-192) is a with-profit endowment plan for women that provides financial protection and savings. It offers a death benefit, maturity benefit, and survival benefits in the form of bonuses. You can also add optional riders for critical illness, accidental death, and congenital disability.

Here are some of the key features of LIC Jeevan Bharati-I (Plan-192):

  • Minimum entry age: 18 years
  • Maximum entry age: 55 years
  • Policy term: 15 years
  • Sum assured: Minimum of Rs.50,000 and maximum of Rs.50 lakh
  • Premium payment term: 15 years


  • Death benefit: If the life assured dies during the policy term, the sum assured is payable to the nominee along with any vested bonuses.
  • Maturity benefit: If the life assured survives the policy term, the sum assured along with any vested bonuses and final additional bonus (if any) is payable.
  • Survival benefits: 20% of the sum assured is payable at the end of 5 years and 10 years. 60% of the sum assured is payable along with vested bonus and final additional bonus (if any) at the end of 15 years.
  • Optional riders:
    • Critical illness rider: A lump sum amount is payable if the life assured is diagnosed with any of the critical illnesses covered under the rider.
    • Accidental death rider: An additional amount is payable upon death or total and permanent disability due to accident during the policy term.
    • Congenital disability rider: An amount equal to 50% of the CDB sum assured is payable if the life assured gives birth to a child with specified congenital disabilities.

Things to consider:

  • LIC Jeevan Bharati-I (Plan-192) is a long-term investment. You should be sure that you can afford to pay the premiums for the entire policy term.
  • The returns on this plan are not guaranteed. The bonuses declared by LIC may vary from year to year.
  • There are tax implications on the benefits received under this plan. You should consult with a tax advisor to understand how this plan will affect your taxes.

If you are considering investing in LIC Jeevan Bharati-I (Plan-192), I recommend that you consult with a financial advisor to discuss your individual needs and circumstances.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.