The strategy number in LIC (Life insurance of India) is a one of a kind alphanumeric code doled out to every individual insurance contract gave by LIC. It fills in as an identifier for a particular strategy and is utilized for following and dealing with the policyholder's data and exchanges.

The organization of the LIC strategy number can change contingent upon when the approach was given. Nonetheless, as a general rule, it comprises of a blend of letters and numbers. For instance, a run of the mill LIC strategy number could seem to be "XXXXXXXX/AAB/XX/XXXXXXX," where:

"XXXXXXXX" addresses the exceptional policyholder number or code.

"AAB" signifies the item code, addressing the sort of arrangement and its highlights.

"XX" demonstrates the arrangement term or premium installment term.

"XXXXXXX" is the special arrangement number for the approach.

Every part of the strategy number has a particular importance and distinguishes the arrangement's subtleties and qualities. While inquisitive about your approach or playing out any exchanges connected with it, you will regularly have to give the strategy number to get to your data.

[Note: This isn't the first site of Lic. This is the best way to get data about Lic].