LIC Kanyadan is a child investment plan specifically designed for the financial needs of your daughter's education and marriage. It's an endowment policy, meaning it offers both life insurance coverage for the parent and maturity benefits for the child upon completion of the policy term. Here are some key features of the LIC Kanyadan policy:


  • Education Benefit: Up to 50% of the sum assured can be withdrawn after the daughter turns 18 years old for her higher education expenses.
  • Marriage Benefit: The full sum assured along with accrued bonuses is paid to the daughter upon policy maturity, which coincides with her expected marriage age.
  • Death Benefit: In case of the unfortunate demise of the insured parent (usually the father) during the policy term, the full sum assured along with bonuses is paid immediately to the daughter, ensuring her financial security.
  • Tax Benefits: Premiums paid for LIC Kanyadan qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Maturity benefit and death benefit are also partially tax-exempt.


  • The father/male parent of the girl child can purchase the policy for a daughter aged between 0 and 25 years.
  • The minimum policy term is 10 years and the maximum is 25 years.
  • Minimum sum assured is Rs. 50,000 and there is no maximum limit.

Other Key Points:

  • Premium payment options include yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, and monthly.
  • Loan facility is available against the policy after payment of 3 years' premium.
  • Surrender value is available after payment of 2 years' premium.

Overall, LIC Kanyadan is a good option for parents who want to secure their daughter's future needs for education and marriage while also providing life insurance protection. However, it's important to carefully compare different child investment plans and consider your specific financial goals and budget before making a decision.

Do you have any specific questions about the LIC Kanyadan policy or any other child investment plans? I'm happy to help you understand your options and choose the best one for your daughter's future.