LIC offers various long-term plans catering to different needs and risk appetites. To recommend the best one for you, I need some additional information:

1. What is your main goal for choosing a long-term plan?

  • Financial protection: Are you primarily looking for life insurance to protect your family financially in case of your untimely demise?
  • Retirement planning: Do you want to build a corpus for your retirement years?
  • Wealth accumulation: Are you interested in growing your wealth over the long term through potential market returns?
  • Child education/marriage: Do you want to secure funds for your child's future education or marriage expenses?

2. What is your risk tolerance?

  • Low risk: You prefer guaranteed returns and prioritize capital protection.
  • Moderate risk: You're comfortable with some fluctuations in investment value but seek decent potential returns.
  • High risk: You can handle significant market volatility and prioritize the potential for higher returns.

3. How much are you willing to invest per month/year?

4. What is your preferred investment term?

Once I have a clearer understanding of your preferences, I can suggest specific LIC long-term plans like:

  • Term insurance plans: Jeevan Labh, Amulya Jeevan, Tech Term Plan
  • Endowment plans: Jeevan Anand, Bima Jyoti, Jeevan Laxmi
  • ULIPs (unit-linked insurance plans): ULIP Unit Linked Endowment Plan, Unit Linked Assurance Plan, Wealth Plus
  • Pension plans: Jeevan Akshay, Jeevan Saral, Jeevan Umang

Remember, choosing the right plan is crucial for securing your long-term financial goals. Don't hesitate to provide more details so I can guide you towards the best LIC option for your specific needs.